Audio Show Deluxe 2024 Preview
Join us 23rd and 24th of March for the World Premiere of Kroma Atelier’s Matilde & MacBeth speakers, and an epic system powered by Shunyata Research and driven by award-winning amplification from Engström. + Bassocontinuo audio racks & WADAX!

Shunyata Research THETA & GAMMA Series Cables
“Before spending a penny more on over-dressed, over-priced, under-performing signal cables, bring home a system of Theta Series or Gamma Series Signal cables. You will be floored by the difference these cables make in a system.”

Best Speaker Cables 2023: Shunyata OMEGA SP
“With your system fully OMEGA-fettled, there’s a profound change to the sound of your system. There are no spotlights or highlights, lumps, bumps, or impediments. There’s just a lot of music being played.”

The ARNE 300B Integrated Stereo Amplifier has won PRODUCT OF THE YEAR in the 2023 hi-fi+ annual Awards.

“Best Sound” at Ascot 2023 from Soundstage!
“I was impressed by what I heard, mostly by the sound of vocals, particularly in “The Sound of Silence”… At the end of the day, if I had to vote for the best sound at UK Hi-Fi Show Live 2023, I would have put a checkmark next to Boyer Audio.”

Omega SP signal cables: hi-fi+ review by Alan Sircom!
“…That’s not the clichéd ‘inky black silences’, although background system self-noise does seem reduced. Instead, it’s like your audio system was told to tidy up its room, get its life together, and start a fitness regime.”

Engström ARNE: hi-fi+ equipment review
“Its command of space and time give it the ability to form sonic illusions in front of your ears and make it the ideal companion for those who like to go deep into the music and explore its inner secrets… it speaks the language of music so eloquently and with such purpose… a beautiful sounding amplifier. It’s as simple as that.”

HIGH END Munich 2023!
A fantastic show where Kroma Atelier picked up a Best of Show award for its stunning new Mercedes Speakers. Engström was right at home with its Swedish partners, FalkenOhr looking fantastic and Shunyata Research doing some heavy lifting behind the scenes in the show’s most elite rooms.

Audio Show Deluxe 2023!
We spared no expense when it came to delivering pure, natural sound at this year’s inaugural Audio Show Deluxe. Our epic system featuring Engström, Kroma, Shunyata and FalkenOhr filled the (giant) room with pure music and was widely regarded as the best of the show.

Sun & Sound with Shunyata at Florida Intl. Audio Expo ‘23
Shunyata Research’s ALTAIRA Grounding System “nearly caused an uproar”, drawing “vocal outbursts” from guys in the room who left “shaking their heads”…

Kroma Thaïs Xtreme - UK Exclusive Launch at KJ West One
“Our friends at KJ West One know their stuff, and it doesn't take them long to know if they’re listening to something special. With very little fine-tuning of their positioning, the Thaïs X speakers delivered an extraordinary sound that was immediately met with a satisfied nod, or a somewhat disbelieving shake of the head.”

Kroma’s Mimi Xtreme is Hificlube’s standmount speaker of 2022!
Standmount Speaker of 2022 - “The original Mimi excelled in its full sound, surprising deep bass, wide soundstage, and intrinsic musicality. Mimi Xtreme kept all these critical characteristics whilst sounding faster, cleaner, tighter, more precise, dynamic, transparent and informative.”

Is Shunyata Research saving your next heart surgery?
As part of their Shunyata Research factory visit, The Absolute Sound’s Lee Scoggins sat down with Grant Samuelsen to discuss how the company is (literally) helping to save lives by removing noise from the heart signal.

Stella Xtreme Hi-fi News Review: “A real eye-opener…”
“… It’s a pleasure to hear, demonstrating that musical excitement can come from other areas beyond an aggressive midband. The scale of the soundstage is vast, and with the speakers happy to play loud without ever sounding stretched, you can drown yourself in music.”

TAS Golden Ear Award: Everest 8000 Power Distributor
“I have had the pleasure of using the Everest 8000 power conditioner—I mean, power distributor, as Shunyata calls it—for about a year, and the more I’ve used it the more it has impressed me…”

Awesome Shunyata Research Tour by TAS’ Robert Harley
An eye-opening video behind the scenes at Shunyata Research in Poulsbo, Washington to tour the factory, meet the people and learn more about some of their products, including their just released ALTAIRA grounding hub.

ALTAIRA: The Absolute Sound Product of the Year
“Shunyata’s Altaira system is a revelation, not only taking my system’s performance to the next level of sound quality but also revealing the effect of ground noise on musical realism. It has become an essential component of my reference system, and I suspect that if you audition one, you will find it equally indispensable.”

The Ear Best of 2022: Delta D6, Delta XC & Delta V2-NR
“The Hydra Delta D6 block and Delta cables brought an extra level of performance from my system and have allowed me to wring every last ounce of musical enjoyment from my sources and amplifier.”

Winner: Shunyata Research OMEGA XC Power Cord
The Hi-Fi Plus 2022 Awards are here, and Shunyata Research’s OMEGA XC power cord is a deserving winner. Check out the glowing review published earlier this year…

Highly Commended: Shunyata Research EVEREST 8000
The Hi-Fi Plus 2022 Awards are here, and Shunyata Research’s EVEREST 8000 power cord is Highly Commended. Check out the review published earlier this year…