Enter the new GAMMA & THETA cables
Gamma XLR Interconnects
Shunyata’s meteoric rise in the analogue cable category
When Shunyata first hit our radar in the mid-2010s, they were already making serious waves in the world of power distribution. Their power cords were the stuff of legends. Indeed my first encounter with the Sigma Digital power cable was so impressive that it was literally life-changing. I was so blown away that I started The Shunyata Distribution Company in 2016 and dedicated my professional life to getting these products into as many audiophile homes in the UK as possible.
Fast-forward nearly a decade, and Shunyata continues to outdo itself at every turn, with the leap in power cords from v1 to v2 during the pandemic being particularly remarkable. It’s the same story with their power distributors—products like the Denali received glowing reviews, and the Everest raised the bar even higher. Today, Everest is one of Boyer Audio’s best-selling products.
Their digital cables have seen similar success, particularly with the v2 models. The Omega digital cables rank among the finest available, and the Omega Ethernet cable stands as one of our top "halo" products.
Challenges in the Analogue Cable Market
Analogue cables present a different challenge. The market is crowded with excellent options, and some audiophiles use cables to adjust tonal characteristics in highly resolving systems. Shunyata, however, focuses on crafting cables that interfere as little as possible with the sound. While their analogue cables have steadily improved, their popularity didn’t match the success seen in power and digital products—until recently.
That changed with the Omega interconnects and speaker cables. With features like OHNO silver conductors and twin-axial Zitron networks, Omega set new standards in signal integrity and fidelity. Feedback from high-end dealers worldwide confirmed this shift, and for nearly a year, we ran a full loom of Omega cables at Boyer Audio. However, at £25k a pair, Omega speaker cables remained a niche product.
Theta Speaker Cables
Enter the Gamma and Theta Cables
Late last year, we began hearing from beta testers that Shunyata’s new Gamma and Theta analog cables (replacements for Venom and Delta) were making waves. One notable report came from a respected reviewer who preferred the Theta to the more expensive Sigma v2. Shunyata was so confident in these new lines that full looms of Theta were featured in high-profile rooms at the Munich Audio Show.
In April, I replaced my Omega interconnects and speaker cables with the Gamma line. The results were startling. While the Omega was superior, the Gamma had a coherence and ease that captivated me. After just a few hours of use, it was like flipping a switch—the performance leveled up dramatically. Gamma excelled in every area, a rare experience after decades of system tweaking.
This enthusiasm spread to other dealers, and customers quickly followed suit, curious about how much better the Theta could be. Indeed, Theta represented a significant leap, retaining the same character and refinement as Gamma, but with more weight and superior dynamics - or to put it simply - Gamma on steroids! We soon struggled to keep up with demand, marking the highest sales of interconnects and speaker cables in Boyer Audio’s history.
What Makes Gamma and Theta Special?
As Grant Samuelsen from Shunyata eloquently put it: "The Gamma and Theta cables exhibit the coherence and purity expected from OCC single-crystal copper, but they also excel in areas typically dominated by silver cables—timing, micro-dynamics, low-octave control, and frequency extension. They offer an agility, background silence, and precision that sets them apart. The KPIPv2 and PMZ extrusion process is the key to their superior performance.”
In essence, Gamma and Theta offer high-end performance at a more accessible price, challenging cables far beyond their price range. They are a game-changer for both audiophiles and the broader cable market.
“People have said that these are a real home run for Shunyata and I will add that they may be a grand slam.”
This customer quote from What’s Best Forum says it all:
“If I may add my $.02 here...I recently purchased a Shunyata Theta SPDIF cable to try and while I have been slightly skeptical of some of the claims made by Shunyata, I must now hang my head in shame for being so suspicious. The Theta SPDIF is giving me so much more in terms of details, layers and layers of it as well as a soundstage that is both wide and deep, and this is with only about 20 hours of playing time on said cable. For a mere $500 it is akin to getting new speakers or a new amp! I never thought I would be typing these words but just the addition of the Theta to my rather plebian digital playback (Cambridge CXN100 to DAC in my Esoteric K-03X) has brought the performance so, so close to my beloved turntable. Hence, I have now scrambled to get two Theta power cables and am also seeking out an audition with a local Shunyata dealer to see if I can demo some Theta speaker cables. The Theta cables are unlike anything I have heard from Shunyata before, and I have a lot of Shunyata products! In fact I think I have paid for someone's salary for at least a year. But again, these newer cables have so much more clarity, BASS!, and dynamics. People have said that these are a real home run for Shunyata and I will add that they may be a grand slam.”