WADAX has landed: Lotus Hifi & Boyer bring Spanish brand to the UK
Guillaume Boyer & Lotus Hifi’s Richard Morris
Full ATLANTIS Reference range exclusive at Lotus Hifi
The arrival of Wadax in the UK has felt inevitable for some time, but it is still a thrill to make it official with our friends at Lotus Hifi.
Lotus Hifi of London, in conjunction with distributors Boyer Audio, bring Wadax to the UK. The superlative, state of the art range of Atlantis Reference digital equipment from Wadax, is now for the very first time, available through London High End dealer Lotus Hifi. In support and partnership, distribution for this and all future Wadax products will be managed by Boyer Audio.
Brandon Lauer, Director of Sales and Marketing for Wadax, writes:
“Boyer Audio have demonstrated a clear dedication to the best in high end audio, in the selection of curated brands as well as providing excellent customer service. Lotus Hifi continues this excellence with the capacity to create systems personalised for each individual and their musical ambitions. We are extremely excited to embark on this journey together to bring some of the finest products to the UK market as well as show you what is in store for the future of state-of-the-art music playback.”
The full suite of products from the remarkable level 4 Atlantis Reference digital suite is now on permanent demo at Lotus.
Expect a [R]evolution in Munich, May 9-12
Big things are on horizon. Don’t miss the World Premiere in Room E207.